A typhoon story from Narelle Pamuk, Sai Kung Stray Friends Foundation.
SKSFF received messages of a dog floating on a boat in the harbour near the Sai Kung Waterfront during the typhoon. My son Cole and his friend Alex Hunter were down at the waterfront and rescued the dog from the floating overturned dinghy and repositioned him on a nearby big boat, the one with the PADI logo. Returning a short time later they saw that this boat was sinking also.

The following day, reports appeared on social media of the dog floating again on an overturned dingy. Immediately I went to the waterfront with other rescue volunteer Debbie Chow. He was being rescued by some people who brought him onto land.

Debbie was given the dog owner’s mobile number and she called him to ask if he had lost a dog. He said “Yes he lost his dog” and the call soon ended when she asked “Why was the dog left on his boat?”
Debbie and I took the dog to the Sai Kung Police Station to make a complaint and report in the hope that action can be taken against the owner for not taking responsible measures to ensure the dogs safety and life during a devastating typhoon.

Dog loving, respectable people over Hong Kong are disgusted and there should be a public outcry to have a law put into place to prohibit such irresponsible dog ownership.
My personal opinion is that the Marine Police should have the power and authority to inspect Dog Licences on boats and fish farms. Most owners do not register their dogs. If a dog is on a boat or fish farm and not registered the boat owner or fish farm licencee should be fined. Measures need to be brought into place, hefty fines of $20,000 for any person keeping a dog on a boat or fish farm during a typhoon to stop this very heartless abuse.

Tyson is now in our Sai Kung Stray Friends Foundation shelter. He is undergoing treatment for extreme trauma, and sight issues. Tyson is exhausted, almost lifeless as the effects of such trauma and his body must be so sore and aching from all the battering he received during this ordeal.
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