Greenview Garden houses burgled last night; suspect still at large

Police outside the housing estate Photo: 馮溢華/

Yesterday evening (14 October) at least two houses in Greenview Gardens, Razor Hill Road, Sai Kung were burgled around 9:00 pm.  The initial alarm was raised by a 26-year-old maid who heard some strange noises and went to see what was happening.  She saw a masked man in the flat and immediately shouted out and then called the police.

Photo: 陳永武/HK01

Police officers, who soon arrived at the scene,  believe the culprit had no time to seize property from that flat, but on further investigation found another unit had been burgled, with windows and doors  forced open. They informed the owner and were waiting for them to see what had had been stolen.

The Greenview development is a group of  two-storey detached houses, with areas of about 1000-1600 square feet; the estate has gates, and police are investigating how the burglar was able to enter, possibly from the hillside at the rear. The suspect is still at large, and is about 1.6 metres tall, of medium build, wearing a mask, a black shirt, dark jeans and dark shoes.

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