Parents with young children will have a chance to assess three Sai Kung kindergartens tomorrow, 6 October. Woodlands, Nord Anglia and Montessori are all holding open days of one sort or another.
Woodlands, which has nine campuses in Hong Kong, is located at Marina Cove shopping centre and will be open to the public. See www.woodlandschools.com
Nord Anglia’s waterfront campus at Tui Min Hui welcomes parents and children for “a free day of fun and learning”. It is one of three Nord Anglia pre-schools in Hong Kong and has a capacity of 160 students. For more information www.nordangliaeducation.com
Montessori, sited at Tan Cheung village, says it is holding an information session from 10:00 am. Its reasons for following the principles laid down about 100 years ago by Dr Maria Montessori will be explained. RSVP to info@saikungmontessopri.com or go to http://www.saikungmontessori.com/
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