At the Sai Kung District Council (SKDC) meeting last Tuesday the Highways Department (HyD) gave a presentation on the current state of planning for the second stage widening of Hiram’s Highway between Marina Cove to Sai Kung Town, Po Tung Road to the south of Sha Ha. The current Stage 1 works are from Clear Water Bay Road and Marina Cove.
Based on the comments received during the recent public consultation, the consultants propose to widen the section of Hiram’s Highway between Marina Cove and Sai Kung Town (excluding Pak Sha Wan section) to dual 2-lane carriageway.
The scope of works under the Project includes:
(a) widening of an approximately 4.0 km long section of Hiram’s Highway and Po Tung Road (between Marina Cove and Sai Kung Town) to dual 2-lane carriageway, and widening of the Pak Sha Wan section to single 4-lane carriageway;
(b) improvement of an approximate 600 m long section of Tai Mong Tsai Road between Sai Kung Town and Wai Man Road to 7.3 m wide single 2 -lane carriageway;
(c) improvement of pedestrian crossing facilities;
(d) provision of noise barriers; and
(e) associated civil and road works, slope and geotechnical works, street lighting, drainage and water works, and landscaping works.
Impact from the Project to nearby historic buildings will be minimised as far as possible. The Tin Hau Temple and the Hip Tin Temple , as well as the “Pai Lau” of “Man Yee Wan New Village and Sha Tsui New Village” in Sai Kung Town will not be affected by the Project.
If the proposed improvement scheme obtained the SKDC’s support and agreement on its implementation, HyD will start further consultations in end 2018 with local stakeholders on critical road sections, such as Pak Sha Wan section and Sai Kung Town section.
They will also prepare to gazette the road scheme in 2019 according to the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Cap. 370) to collect public’s views to the Project. If the relevant statutory procedures can be completed smoothly, HyD anticipate that the detailed design of the Project can commence in 2021.
The full report can be downloaded from https://www.districtcouncils.gov.hk/sk/doc/2016_2019/en/dc_meetings_doc/14300/SK_2018_248_EN.pdf
The full slide presentation (in Chinese) with detailed drawings can be downloaded from https://www.districtcouncils.gov.hk/sk/doc/2016_2019/en/dc_meetings_doc/14300/SK_2018_248p_TC.pdf
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