Sai Kung Police have issued a warning to residents to lock up. This follows two burglaries in three days at Ho Chung New Village.
In the first case on 30 October a burglar entered a house through an open window between 1:00 and 5:00 am. A rucksack with $5000 cash in it was stolen.
In the second case on 1 November at 2:45 am a homeowner was woken by a strange male in his house. Again a window had been left open. The bedroom was ransacked and the thief fled with a watch and cash totaling $45,000.
The police offer the same warnings over and over again. Lock up. Don’t just lock glass doors and leave the grill open. Glass doors are easily jemmied. Isolated houses and those on the edge of the bush are most likely to be hit. The burglars are often opportunists. If your house appears well defended with security systems they are likely to move on to an easier target. Dogs can deter thieves. But never get a dog unless you can give it proper food, housing, exercise and veterinary care.
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