Advertising for a pastor to replace the Rev. Chris Ponniah at Sai Kung’s Resurrection Church will begin in the new year, Alex McCoy, Vicar of St Andrews, said. Resurrection is administered from the Kowloon church, which has sent an interim minister, the Rev. Ian Hadfield.

Ian was formerly Vicar at All Saints in Jakarta, Chaplain at Macquarie University and Minister at Lord Howe Island. “He is a really good guy, super-experienced,” Alex said. Finding a new pastor will take about six months during which Ian will conduct services.

Told by SAI KUNG BUZZ that many people were saddened by the departure of Chris Ponniah, a big-grinning, warm-hearted man (we published a churchgoer’s letter expressing her dismay), Alex said he understood. “He is a lovely guy.” Chris had introduced a Remembrance Day service in the town square, expanded the church’s premises so it could be a more effective community centre and added High Church-style services early on Sunday mornings. Alex agreed with this and said Chris has many strengths as a minister and pastoral carer. Attendance at Resurrection Church, however, had gone into “a sharp decline”. St Andrews people had worked with Chris to endeavour to improve the church’s turnout but it hadn’t worked.

Alex said he wishes Chris well and “we are praying for him”. Chris is now travelling in Asia with his wife before returning to New Zealand where he has two adult children.
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