Hungry burglars steal food from fridge – and $15,000 gold chain

bella vista
A house in Bella Vista was burgled Wednesday morning. Photo: 林耀康/HK01

Burglars ransacked a house in Bella Vista, Clear Water Bay, yesterday and stole a $15,000 gold chain, around $1,200 in cash – and food from the fridge.

Yesterday morning, 21 August, police received a report from the 62-year-old owner, that he had come home to find a window opened in the house in Silver Terrace Road. The  house had been ransacked, and he suspected that he had been burgled. 

The police initially believed that a gold chain worth about HK$15,000, about HK$1,200 in cash and some food in the refrigerator were missing. After preliminary investigations, the police classified the case as burglary and searched the CCTV video clips of the estate to aid their enquiries. Reports suggest that the thieves became hungry during the robbery and helped themselves to a snack.

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