A radio-controlled glider at Clear Water Bay Photo: Internet
A female spectator at a radio controlled glider event in Clear Water Bay ended in near tragedy on Sunday (15/11) when one of the aerial vehicles went out of control and hit her in the head.
The accident occurred on Tai Au Mun Road in Clear Water Bay, Sai Kung. A group of remote-controlled glider enthusiasts gathered for an afternoon of flying fun and attracted many passers-by. When one enthusiast released his glider it went out of control hit the head of a female spectator. Fortunately, the glider was made of rubber, and the injury only left a one-centimetre wound. After being sent to the hospital for treatment, no serious injury was reported.

The scene at the glider flying site Photo: Internet
The site was on the side of Tai Au Mun Road near the path leading to the High Junk Peak Trail – a radio control glider hot spot. Sunday afternoon more than 20 radio-controlled glider enthusiasts were flying their machines and, as it was a holiday, attracted many spectators. One of the enthusiasts released his glider but is suddenly deviated from its path and flew to the side of the road.
A 47-year-old female spectator was unable to dodge the plane and her forehead was hit by the fuselage. She called out in panic, and after being checked by her husband, they found a one-centimetre-long wound on her forehead with slight swelling and bruising. The injured woman was taken to Tseung Kwan O Hospital for treatment. Fortunately, there were no serious problems, and it is reported that the injured person would not take any action against the glider owner.

An enthusiast adjusting his glider Photo: Internet
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