ARIES: The pressures of online learning will cause you to redefine the spaces in your apartment. The kitchen will henceforth be known as the classroom, while the toilet will be the staffroom.
TAURUS: You make a sign: “If you see my children locked outside, mind your own business – we
are having a fire drill.”
GEMINI: You haven’t exercised in so long, this month your Fitbit will send you a friend request.
CANCER: You will soon meet the greatest love of your life, which has less to do with the quality of the former and more to do with the brevity of the latter.
LEO: You donate blood only to decide NEVER AGAIN! Too many stupid questions! “Whose blood is it?” “Where did you get it?” “Why is it in a bucket?”
VIRGO: Whoever told you to leave your car at the club and take the bus home has a lot to answer for. Turns out you weren’t in any fit state to drive that either.
LIBRA: Despite your attempts to make it look like an accident, your insurance company will
immediately suspect you of burning down your wife.
SCORPIO: Sneezing into your facemask. It’s 2021’s version of sh*tting your pants.
SAGITTARIUS: You will leave a Valentine’s note for your beloved: “Hey sweetie! I’m at work. Dinner is in the stove. You only have to light it. The gas is already turned on. Love you xxx”
CAPRICORN: You’re looking forward to taking your annual vacation: that special time of the year when you get to hang out in a different nook of your apartment.
AQUARIUS: This month you progressively decide farting under the bed covers will no longer be known as a Dutch oven. It’s now a Covid test. If you can still smell or taste it, you’re negative.
PISCES: Your child will state he doesn’t want to eat meat anymore – leading you to speculate what you can replace it with. The stars suggest a dog. Dogs love meat.
For more from Sadie go to http://www.sadiekaye.tv and the Miss Adventure site: https://missadventurerthk.com
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