Sai Kung’s new Cozy coffee shop, so well designed it looks like a classy club
A total of 16,700 applications by catering firms for cash under the latest $6.4 billion subsidy scheme has been received, the Food and Environmental Health Department reports. Companies that have not yet filed for relief have until 28 January to do so.
Tougher anti-covid-spread measures were introduced on December 10 closing businesses and forcing staff to be laid off. To fund this latest round of financial relief, the Legco Finance Committee approved the modest package — compared to those earlier — last month. Financial Secretary Paul Chan had warned the Government’s reserves, standing at about HK$1.1 trillion before the pandemic, were being whittled down.
Other businesses and institutions that can benefit from the latest subsidies are:
- Bathhouse operators
- Licenced entertainment and amusement games premises
- Fitness centres
- Clubs
Amongst bathhouse operators 40 have applied for subsidies of $100,000 each and six have been approved. For entertainment premises the numbers are 330 and 133.
The fitness centre scheme opened this month, offering $100,000 to each eligible company. The deadline for application is 8 February.
Amusement centre subsidies of $100,000 are open to those that are eligible and apply by 30 January.
Clubs are offered $100,000 if they apply before 8 January plus $50,000 if they have entertainment or bar facilities with certificates of compliance.
For more information see www.news.gov.hk or the websites of relevant departments.
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