Even after 2nd impeachment the past lingers; “Trump was the perfect target in a lot of ways: his vanity, narcissism made him a natural target to recruit. He was cultivated over a 40-year period, right up through his election.” so says the KGB. Together with the GRU they are very good at what they do.
Is anyone here really surprised? How many more morons did they ‘cultivate’? They walk among us. Meanwhile Facebook denies any role in the DC insurrection, despite evidence to the contrary.

Bill Michael in 2012. His comments to staff have prompted an internal investigation. Photo: Reuters/Alamy
COVID is really bad for your career; even if you are the Chairman and earn a seven figure salary, a few words can sink you. PC at its finest.

The cast of the BBC hit comedy “Yes, Minister”. Photo: BBC
Political Corner: Most Brits know that the best guide to how government really is run is still ‘Yes Minister’. Here is the ultimate guide to how the series was created, let it run to the next few clips.
Automotive Page: Fancy a holiday off road driving in a luxury 4WD? 101 years ago the Dodge brothers made a promo film for their new standard RWD car in the Oklahoma oilfields. Luxury it ain’t, but boy did it work!
History section: Pascal’s wager; humans bet with their lives that God either exists or does not, what is your call?

Cultural section: Charlie Chaplain starred in his first full length talkie, the Great Dictator that was released 80 years ago this year; the story still resonates. It was very nearly not released in Britain or America, and didn’t make it to the 1941 Golden Skulls awards in Berlin either.
The travel section: ‘Do you think Macao was always the den of iniquity for Hong Kongers? Think again as this colourful history of the origins of Shenzhen shows; it’s what made the KCR profitable.
Quote of the week; “Remember, this was a test flight…” said regular SpaceX webcast commentator John Insprucker. “We’ve just got to work on that landing a little bit…” He has to be English.
Word of the week: COUNTERFEITER; Workers who put together kitchen cabinets.

Technology tip of the week: Have you heard of Elon Musk’s Starlink ? This is for direct satellite to earth Internet access. There are already over 1000 of these 260 kg Krypton powered mini-sats in orbit. Musk plans on 42,000! I have signed up for their test program as this is a global game changer.
Healthcare tip of the week: If you have more money than sense and have bought an IPhone 12, be sure to keep it well away from your chest if you have a pacemaker, here’s why.
Island Musings; The rugged outdoor woman who likes her balls.
During her annual medical check-up, the doctor asked a retired lady about her physical activity level.
The woman said she spends 3 days a week, every week outdoors.
He said. “That is good; can you outline a typical day?”
She responded; “Yesterday I took a five hour walk about 7 km through some pretty rough terrain. I waded along the edge of a lake. I pushed my way through about 2 km of brambles and nettles. I got sand in my shoes and my eyes.. I climbed several rocky hills. I had a pee behind some big trees and barely avoided stepping on a poisonous snake. Last week I ran away from an irate mother bear and last Monday I had to leg it again from one angry bull elk”.
Amazed by the story, the doctor said, “You must be one hell of an outdoors woman!”
“Well”, she said, “The mental stress of it all often leaves shattered. At the end of each day I usually have a triple scotch and three glasses of wine”.
The doc cautioned the lady on such excess and asked why she drove herself so hard.
The woman replied, “I’m just a really shitty golfer and I hate losing my balls”.
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