Tabebuia Chrysantha
“To me, flowers are happiness”– Stefano Gabbana
Photographers are gathering around the brilliant yellow trees decorating Sai Kung at this time of the year. Tabebuia Chrysantha are so beautiful at times the shutterbugs will completely encircle the tree several people deep. The Sai Kung central square has four of the trees, others are sprinkled around town, and perhaps the best display is at Fuk Man Garden near the dragon-boat sculpture.

Tabebuia in Sai Kung’s central square
The landscape designers working for the Planning Department and the District Council sometimes get it spectacularly right. Now they deserve compliments because the flower beds in Sai Kung are much improved since the 25-year reign of King George Ng Sze-fuk was swept away in the Democrat district council revolution. No doubt King George did a lot of good in his early years, but he had been there too long and his administration had run out of ideas and enthusiasm.

Tabebuia trees at Fuk Man Garden
Back to the Tabebuia tree. It is native to the broadleaf deciduous forests of South America where it can be found in the clearings. The national tree of Venezuela, it is rustic, slow growing but hardy, defying poor, dry soils. Its height is 6 to 12 metres. The flowers are large, tubular shaped, with a corolla of deep yellow. Sometimes it is called the Golden Trumpet. Flowering time is February to April before the tree grows back its leaves.
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