Good news for those interested in all things planning, legal and political where land ownership etc is concerned. The Lands Department (LandsD) announced today (13/4) that the following digital map products are now released for free browsing and downloading:
(a) Digital Topographic Map;
(b) Digital Land Boundary Map;
(c) Geo-Reference Database;
(d) Digital Orthophoto;
(e) Digital Aerial Photo (300 dpi resolution);
(f) GeoCommunity Database; and
(g) 3D Spatial Data.
LandsD’s digital map products have been widely used by government departments, businesses and educational entities for uses including land boundary surveys, town planning, engineering design, environmental studies, transportation management, publications, online maps, academic research and various types of data analysis. In 2020-21, LandsD provided over 36 000 digital maps and aerial photos to over 4 300 corporate clients and members of the public.
Opening up the digital map products enables the public, academia and businesses to make greater use of spatial data in research and application development. The availability of free digital map data will facilitate the development of a digital economy, realising the visions of the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong 2.0 and bringing benefits to society as a whole.
The open digital map products in the Geographic Information System and machine-readable formats (except image products) are now available for browsing and downloading at Hong Kong Map Service 2.0 (www.hkmapservice.gov.hk). Users can also access to the information at the Hong Kong GeoData Store (geodata.gov.hk) and the Public Sector Information Portal (data.gov.hk).
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