Local Sai Kungers protesting speeding drivers
Karina O’Carroll, co-founder of Sai Kung Buffalo Watch, was out in tropical depression weather this morning (19/7) looking after a herd of cattle. She had a report the cows were wandering on the main road near the barrier to the country park. Karina found they were in danger because they were just over the crest of a rise. Speeding drivers might suddenly come across them spread over the road and he or she might be going too fast to stop before hitting them. It happens far too often in Sai Kung. Our lovely animals get killed or so badly injured, AFCD vets have to euthanise them.

Cattle gather to mourn their rundown heard mate
Karina parked her little blue car and walked on the road, clapping her hands, to get the cattle moving off the main road. There were maybe a dozen of them. She shooed them until they had gone into the car park where they could chomp on the grass out of danger.

Karina O’Carroll, indefatigable campaigner for animal welfare
Karina and her fellow founder of Sai Kung Buffalo Watch, Carol Biddell, have campaigned for years to have speeding cameras erected on the most dangerous stretches of road for the cattle, such as Sai Sha Rd and Tai Mong Tsai Rd. Chief Inspector Daniel Tsang, Sai Kung police chief at the time, told BUZZ he agreed speeding cameras should go up on those roads and had recommended this to the Transport and Highways Departments. The wheels of bureaucracy grind infamously slowly. Still we wait.
The good people of Sai Kung fear more Daisies and Berts will be killed by ****** (expletive deleted) drivers.
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