29 of the dogs were kept in a wire cage; all were malnourished Photos: Love Adopt Animal Society 愛領養動物中心
The animal welfare organisation Love Adopt Animal Society 愛領養動物中心 recently posted that 31 dogs were found abandoned in a village house. The environment in the house was poor, and the tenants had been missing for nearly half a year. The society pointed out that its adoption centre in Sai Kung was unable to house 31 dogs at the same time, and was looking for a venue for temporary shelter, and said that it was preparing a monthly donation plan to help the dogs involved.

The society recently posted on social media that it received a heads-up from villagers that the tenant of a village house had been missing for nearly half a year, and 31 dogs had been abandoned in the house, and the on-site environment was harsh. The society volunteers immediately went to the house to ascertain the situation, and found that the smell of excrement and urine was overwhelming when they entered; the house was also full of debris, and the hygiene conditions were poor. The society said that the village house has two floors. Only two were walking freely in the house. The other 28 were placed in two rooms and trapped inside a rusted and narrow wire cages. According to the volunteers, the 31 dogs had been trapped for more than three years and had never left the cage.

The volunteers alerted staff of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department; they arrived at the scene for inspection, and found that each dog was implanted with microchips. The registered person was the missing tenant, and the dogs were about six to eight years old and sterilised. The dogs were in poor physical condition. In addition to skin diseases, hair loss, and skin ulcers caused by old and new injuries, two of the dogs were also severely malnourished and had yellow skin and thin bones. Being trapped in a cramped iron cage caused the hind feet to atrophy.

The society pointed out that it quickly started rescue work, preparing enough dry and wet food for a month, and has already eliminated insects and lice and treated skin parasites. Vaccinations and treatment will be arranged later. Among them, several dogs with severe skin diseases, as well as the thinnest require special care, and they have been arranged to be placed in temporary care homes. They mentioned that their centre in Sai Kung cannot accommodate 31 dogs at the same time, and they are looking for a site to temporarily accommodate the dogs. During this period, they need to go to the house to take care of them every day. They also pointed out that taking care of the 31 dogs needs the help of the public, and pointed out that nearly $10,000 has been spent on food and insect repellent for one month alone. Veterinarian bills, rent, site construction and daily care expenses are also needed, therefore, they are preparing a monthly donation plan to help these dogs. Details will be announced later.

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