Village mascot of O Tau, Husky, passes away

by Roger Medcalf

Husky died this morning

O Tau lost its village dog during the night of 1 February. Husky, about 13, died of advanced cancer. Four months before the residents who did most to look after him, Maggie and Katherine, took him to Village Vets for removal of a tumour. The vet predicted the cancer would return quickly. O Tau, a tiny enclave off Sai Sha Road with only 13 houses, has such strong community spirit nine families put up money to share the vet’s costs.

The last photo taken of Husky

Husky, a gentle Sai Kung pedigree with black and white markings that make him look like the arctic dogs, had been resident in O Tau as village mascot for about 10 years. He moved in with a friend, Moushski, with whom he got along well when they were not fighting over food. About eight years ago Moushski vanished. Husky was left on his own with a kennel bought by Maggie beside the stream. After his cancer operation Husky was taken to recuperate at an animal hospital near Fanling run by a wonderful animal welfare activist, Tung For. When Husky was better, ready to return home, Tung For came to O Tau and built Husky a doggie mansion. It’s huge, likely the best in Sai Kung. Inside Husky had a kennel in which to shelter in bad weather and a couch he could recline on when it was warm. Maggie and Katherine gave him old towels and clothes to sleep on.

Husky with his best friend Moushski

When he was young life for Husky in O Tau was good. Best fun was chasing cats. He never had a hope of catching them as they leapt up and over high fences. But it was fun to try. There was a dark side to life in the open too. Husky liked to wander around and across the stream where he would get into fights with other dogs and retreat home wounded. Maggie and Katherine treated his wounds with antiseptic and watched over him fearing fly strike.

The last photo of Husky taken by Katherine yesterday

Towards the end Husky got slower and slower. He spent hours sleeping in the sun outside his mansion. Approached by his village friends, he showed little recognition, where before he would lick their hands in greeting. He refused to eat. Maggie and Katherine had arranged for Husky to be taken to Village Vets today for treatment and forced feeding.

But our boy passed away overnight. We hope he died painlessly in his sleep. His friends are placing flowers on his mansion.

RIP Husky.

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