It’s crazy. People post on social media photos of flowering trees on Sai Sha Rd so hundreds of people go to Sai Sha Rd to take photos of flowering trees and post them on social media. Idiots, behaving like sheep, stand in the middle of the road with their mobile phones clicking away at the beautiful trees, oblivious of speeding traffic on a main highway. The police are called. They hustle the numbskulls off the road and out of danger.

The trees causing all the fuss are pink trumpet trees or handroanthus impetiginosus from the family Bignoniaceae. It is a large deciduous tree with trunks that grow up to 100ft. The flowers are big, tubular shaped with corolla often pink or magenta. There are yellow ones in Sai Kung’s Man Yee Square that, when at their best, also attract admiring photographers. Another trumpet tree with light pink flowers stands proudly in the middle of the Sha Ha beach roundabout on the road into Sai Kung town.
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