Two Putonghua speaking masked men smashed a glass kitchen door at a 3-storey house in Greenpeak Villas, Pak Kong Au Road, Sai Kung around 4:00 am this morning. The house was occupied by a 50-year-old man, his 21-year-old son and a worker.

The two robbers were around 1.7 m tall, and threatened the couple with knives taken from the kitchen. They ransacked the house and made off with $12,000 in cash, four mobile phones, a tablet computer and three watches, valued at $30,000.

The robbers fled into the bushes outside the house and disappeared. Police searched the area and found two knives, suspected to have been the ones used in the robbery. The police believe the culprits smashed the glass kitchen door; the search continues.
Jacky Chan, Senior Inspector of Sai Kung Police, warned residents that we are in the peak season for burglaries. Lock up at night and if you see anything suspicious, dial 999.
Update: Wong Tai Sin Police now state that both husband and wife were threatened by the robbers, and that their son and helper were in the house at the same time. They also suspect that the culprits may have entered Hong Kong by boat via Pak Sha Wan.
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