The protests against the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance continue. Last week BUZZ reported events planned for eastern New Territories. As these planned events are being organised by disparate groups, mainly using Telegram and LIHKG, both encrypted platforms, actual times and dates for the protests can change quite quickly – so there may be some differences between our previous reports and what’s planned just one week later. BUZZ has tried to put together a calendar of what’s going to be happening over the next couple of weeks, which will be updated as new information comes available:
17 July: 5:00 pm. The Grey Hair Silent March – Older Citizens Against Structural Violence: Chater Garden to Central Government Complex.
21 July: 10:30 am. “We’ve Had Enough”- Social Workers Silent March: Wu Chung House to Chief Executives Office
21 July: Time TBA. Civil Human Rights Front March: Route TBA. Currently applying for police no-objection. Requested route Causeway Bay to Tamar or Central
27 July: 3:30 pm. Reclaiming Hung Hom and To Kwa Wan: Tai Wan Shan Park.
28 July: 1:30 pm. Western District March for The Five Demands: Forbes Street Temporary Playground to Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park
28 July: 3:30 pm. For The Five Demands and Against TVBs Pro-Beijing Bias: Po Tsui Park to HK Velodrome Park.
11 August: Time TBA. Anti Extradition Law March: Sham Shui Po: Route TBA
As the TKO march on 28 July is the one which may affect many of our readers in Sai Kung and Clearwater Bay the details of the march route are shown below – expect traffic disruption:
If you would like to keep up to date, the English language Facebook page BeWater HK seems to have the most recent information.
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