The French designer Coco Chanel had a way with words infused with sly wisdom:
- “All men are children, and if you understand that, a women understands everything.”
- “Where should one use perfume? Wherever one wants to be kissed.”
- “You live but once; you might as well be amusing.”
Next month you can see Coco brought to life, wildly and imaginatively, with puppets by theatre companies from Netherlands and Norway. Ulrike Quade Company of Amsterdam is a visual theatre troupe combining sculpture, dance, mime and music. It is joined in this production of “Coco Chanel” by Jo Strømgren Kompani. JSK deploys very physical humour, nonsensical language and sometimes dark political overtones.

The Coco show will be staged at the Studio Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre on 4, 5 and 6 October. The woman, who created an iconic brand prospering to this day and scandalised Second World War French society by liaisons with Nazis, was born in 1883 and died in 1971. She was credited with liberating women from the “corsetted silhouette” and popularising a sporty casual chic, notably with her “little black dress”.

The Cultural Centre performance by the Dutch and Norwegian companies features a wide range of puppets, absurdist humour, portrayals of famous people and playfully imaginative theatre. The show’s in English with Chinese subtitles. At the afternoon performance on the Sunday you will have a chance to meet the performers. Tickets are $280 and $200 for a show suitable for all the family. They are available at Urbtix or by telephoning 2111 5999.
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