Momentai trio lease adjacent site becoming biggest Western restaurant business in Sai Kung

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Momentai (left) with the new Joe San premises (right) on Sai Kung Waterfront          Photo: Google

The Sai Kung entrepreneurs behind Momentai restaurant are expanding. Niko Smirnoff, Courtney Horwood and Michael Lam have signed a lease with the Government to take over the 2000sq ft adjacent shop. Combined with the 4000 sq ft Momentai, it means the partners will own the largest Western restaurant business in the town.

It is no exaggeration to say Momentai is one of the most attractive seaside restaurants on the South China coast. The partners have steadily improved it with comfortable furnishing, quirky art and weekend live bands.

Niko photographed by the Geopark art with his new restaurant behind him

The new restaurant will be known as Joe-San, said Niko, now 23. BUZZ spoke to Niko while he was working on cleaning up the new site. It was grotty before, the previous owners apparently having no clue as to how to run a decent restaurant. Niko said Joe-San will be a casual cafe serving breakfast and takeaway food to golfers, bus passengers and holiday makers. One or two musicians will play on the weekends.

The partners have taken the adjacent site because of Momentai’s success over the past two years, Niko said. On the weekends the bar-restaurant with the only pool tables in town is always full and it has become known as the trendiest live-music nightclub scene in Sai Kung.

Probably the most popular pool table in Sai Kung

Outside Geopark paintings are displayed on bamboo constructions that look like they have been built by Boy Scouts. The two bamboo erections are artworks in themselves. Between Momentai and the Fuk Man Rd public toilet in the duck pond that has newspaper boats rather than ducks a new art installation has also gone up. It is a white-painted-rattan church-like thing with a bird cage also of white rattan inside and geometric stained glass panels in red, blue and white shining in the afternoon sun. The artwork is striking, eye-catching.

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