Peter G. de Krassel
Peter G. de Krassel, known in Sai Kung as a co-founder of Pets Central, is an author, columnist, blogger, and environmental activist since the 1970s.
In May 1979, he rode his horse from his home in Pacific Palisades, California, to his law office in Beverly Hills to protest the Arab Oil Embargo. He has since protested high energy prices and environmental degradation, with follow-up protest rides in Los Angeles, dressed as Paul Revere. He has since written books, columns, and blogs expressing his ecological concerns and proposing solutions.
His first book, Custom Maid for New World Disorder, published in 2004, is a wide-ranging polemic railing against American wrong-headedness about domestic and foreign policies, political, religious, and sexual hypocrisy. It was republished with a new cover, and the word Spin added to the title. The reason for this reincarnation was the virtual explosion of the Internet and social media.

Peter G. de Krassel’s new book is available at the upcoming Book Fair
The development of the World Wide Web, social media platforms, and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11, also created a new world of spin: what we today commonly refer to as “fake news.”
The astronomical growth in the volume of fake news since 9/11 culminated in angry citizens launching an attack on 6 January 2021, on America’s Capital in Washington D.C., where a joint session of both houses of Congress was in session certifying the Electoral College votes that would determine who the president of the nation will be for the following four years – the incumbent Donald Trump or the contestant Joe Biden. Five people died in that melee; hundreds were hurt, arrested, and a lot more became disillusioned with political establishments as the world watched in disbelief what “democratic” America has suddenly become. De Krassel calls that day “1/6.”
Was it a sweet or a bitter 1/6? Was it a civil war, cultural war, or America redefining herself as the republic’s Founding Fathers had intended?
In his upcoming book Custom Maid Backspin for New World Disorder, de Krassel picks up where he left off in Spin and criticizes the Washington insurrection. A major underlying cause of that ignominious incident, as well as many other uprisings worldwide, de Krassel thinks, is HOUSING!
An American lawyer who represented developers and landlords in the U.S., who is now a part-owner of a business that is a tenant in Hong Kong, de Krassel is “outraged at the extortionist rents landlords in Hong Kong get away with.
Chapter 8 of this book shares de Krassel’s experience as a California lawyer, developer, landlord, and Hong Kong tenant.
“One of our landlords demanding a 120 percent increase propelled me to write this book, Custom Maid Backspin for New World Disorder,” he said.
It discusses what happened between 9/11 and 1/6, connecting the political, religious, legal, and sexual dots along the path that led to the Washington insurrection, and proposes a political solution.
From 2005 to the writing of Backspin, de Krassel’s blogs are signposts that map down political, religious, legal, and sexual paths and freeways, not only in America but also in China and the rest of the world.
Why Backspin?
Explaining that in any racket ball game, it is a whack that makes a curvy ball coming towards you rotate backwards and, in turn, impart an upward force that lifts the ball, de Krassel says, “it is time that people made a political and economic backspinto roll back things and lift the political and economic game to a new level.”
Backspin captures and crystalizes those pointers to show how the people have let the career politicians they elected to serve them lead them to this mess and an even worse world disorder looming on the horizon.
“I think it is time to address this stark reality,” de Krassel adds.
Rampant rent policies globally, “but especially in my hometown of Hong Kong,” are at the heart of rising world disorder, he points out.
Based on the experience on the real estate front in the U.S. and Hong Kong, de Krassel proposes a solution that Hong Kong can introduce. It could, he thinks, become a model that other cities worldwide would want to adopt and modify.
Custom Maid Backspin for New World Disorder, comprising eight chapters, will be released chapter by chapter – Charles Dickens style – starting with Chapter 8 on 13 July 2021, and afterwards one chapter each month until April 2022 when the entire book shall be published.
Chapter 8 focused on rent matters and discusses how rents can be set fair and equitable for both tenants and landlords. For many, paying the landlord is a monthly challenge and daily stress. Residential, retail, commercial, industrial manufacturing, and agricultural sectors are all affected. The current rent control systems, evolved over centuries, have failed. No fair and equitable solution for both landlords and tenants has been devised.
Custom Maid Backspin for New World Disorder proposes a solution. Not another government program, but a Private-Public-Religious Charity Partnership – A Rent Subsidy Act – that has local governments, property developers, landlords, tenants, lenders, and religious charities join forces to make rent affordable and give developers and landlords a reasonable return. It proposes a global online survey on whether or not financial institutions and tax-exempt religious charities should be required to contribute a portion of their income towards making rent affordable to tenants while giving landlords a reasonable return.
De Krassel’s proposal includes a survey conducted in conjunction with global polling companies and a broad range of industries, media, and NGOs.
The views thus gathered locally and internationally will be analysed to determine the commonalities and differences across the various interest group and geographies.
Survey participants will receive an e-copy of Custom Maid Spin for New World Disorder as thanks for their contribution to the debate.
Go to custommaidbooks.com to take the survey after 13 July.
Hard copies of all de Krassel books can be purchased at the Hong Kong Book Fair, 14-20 July 2021, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre – Booth 1C-E20.
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