A book to be published in May is very much a Sai Kung creation. Local resident Roger Medcalf came up with the concept inspired by “Stories from the Royal Hong Kong Police”. Roger thought why not do a collection of writings by ordinary residents with long experience of Hong Kong. Of course, none of them are ordinary and many of their articles are eye-popping. “Tales from a Barren Rock”, containing about 40 stories, is edited by Roger and his fellow Kiwi friend Rod Olsen.
Six Sai Kung residents write pieces in the book. Dave Newbery, a former senior captain at Cathay Pacific, tells how he was injured in a bombing in Colombo then again by a blast near his home in Hoi Ha. Guy Shirra writes how as a policeman he helped nail a double murderer. Mike Sharp tells how as an army officer he nabbed illegal immigrants on the border while leaping snakes. Colin Dyson writes about the dreams of a boy that one day he would fly and it came true when he qualified as a CX pilot. Jill Robinson describes how she created the most admired animal charity in Hong Kong, Animals Asia, rescuer of bears from cruel, evil bile farms. Roger Medcalf describes the joys of flying light aircraft: “Best fun you can have with your clothes on”.
Other stories that you will find in “Tales from a Barren Rock”: Mayhem and mirth in the daily running of a pool hall. What it is really like to work in Government House (Clinton Leeks, former private secretary to the Governor). How two women came close to prostitution when first in the colony and one fell into it. A police team targeting brothels becomes known as the Hokey Pokey Squad. How ordinary things are done with extraordinary love at St John’s Cathedral. The nine lives of the Chinese white dolphin. Daft zoologists floundering around in swamps studying butterflies with a podgy misfit. The beauty of flying a CX jet seemingly surrounded by the Aurora Borealis. How a young policewoman, Evelyn Lam, rose rapidly through the ranks breaking glass ceiling after glass ceiling. Triads who infest almost every part of Hong Kong and the never-ending police battle to wipe them out. And a comical story of a lone defendant left over at the end of a court’s day: “One Spare” .
“Tales from a Barren Rock” will be published by Earnshaw Books in late May. Copies are expected to be available on Amazon and at Bookazine’s six stores. The price is not set yet but it will be less than HK$200. A book launching will be held in Sai Kung possibly at The Picture House, but this is yet to be confirmed. If you’d like copies reserved please email Roger at rmedcalf@netvigator.com
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