Photo: Al-Jazeera
Letter to the Editor:
My wife and I, long-term Hong Kongers, both in our mid-seventies, are triple vaccinated and have been following a safe routine throughout the pandemic.
We have curtailed all social and sporting activity and only leave our home to walk our rescue dogs, do essential shopping, occasionally meet a triple vaccinated friends for a socially distanced meal and to attend specialist outpatient clinics for significant medical treatment.
What is now to be our reward for our civic responsibility and good sense?
To be forced by the Lam administration to leave the safety of our home and queue up with strangers, many of whom may not be vaccinated at all, possibly not correctly socially distancing and either at the mercy of adverse outdoor elements or indoors in inadequately ventilated premises.
In all likelihood we will be exposed as never before to Covid 19 during this thrice repeated and, we believe, pointless and cripplingly expensive exercise.
And what will it achieve?
All this could have been avoided if the Lam administration had implemented a comprehensive and aggressive vaccination policy, as recommended repeatedly by all the experts for over a year, particularly in respect of our fellow elderly and the occupants and staff of care homes.
Needless to say, if we had a vote, Lam would not get ours.
Name and address supplied.
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