InnSpired Heritage wishes to inspire all residents physically and mentally
There is a trend of heritage preservation in recent years. On top of the Tseung Kwun O hill stands the former Rennie’s Mill Police Station Building Group. It witnessed the transformation of Tseung Kwan O, from a wilderness to a reclaimed new town of 500,000 residents. The former Rennie’s Mill Police Station is the only remaining building after the clearance of Tiu Keng Leng Village. It is now revitalised to become the TKO Heritage Post, a centre operated by the Haven of Hope Christian Service (HOHCS). The TKO Heritage Post is a composition of a historical museum, a hostel, and a tea house. The Historical Museum was first opened on Christmas Eve last year, while the hostel ‘InnSpired Heritage’ and the tea house ‘TKOHP Café’ are now in service.

Residents can enjoy their vacation life in a cosy room
Formerly known as the Police Staff Quarters, the Heritage is now built to provide comfortable and featured rooms and ensuites for singles, doubles, families and the disabled and sick, and its name demonstrates its vision. The Chinese name of the heritage ‘靈風’ (Wind of Spirit) is derived from the Bible, John 3:8, ‘The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.’It is therefore named ‘Innspired’, with the hope to provide a spiritual place where residents whoever come for personal meditation, group workshop or family staycation can be inspired by the natural environment, the development history of Tseung Kwan O, and the design and service of the heritage.

Exciting camping experience in a special featured room
Dr Lam Ching-choi, the Chief Executive Officer of HOHCS, delivered his speech at the opening of TKO Heritage Post last year. “Celebrating its 70th anniversary of establishment, HOHCS has been part of the history and development of Tiu Keng Leng. It has been serving the society in obscurity since the era of refugee village in the region,” he said. “It is grateful for HOHCS to witness the revitalisation of the former Rennie’s Mill Police Station, the last historical architecture of Tiu Keng Leng. I look forward to its transformation as a new hub for culture, history, art, handcraft, and exhibition in Tseung Kwan O.”

A workshop will be held by the famous Cantonese Opera performer, Wai Chun-fai
The Heritage is scheduled to provide a series of featured activities such as a Cantonese Opera Workshop. An interactive and fun workshop will be conducted by the famous Cantonese Opera performer, Wai Chun-fai. Youth will be taught by the master hand by hand with action miming and costumes trying theoretically and practically.
Innspired Heritage welcomes the public with its first activity, the Heritage Summer Experience Camp. Visitors who are in love with the wild nature and silent life are welcome to join before 30 September this year. Hiking away from hustle and bustle, the Heritage Fun Trail brings you a wonderful trip through a police staff quarters back in 1960 and a stunning night view of Tseung Kwan O. This is where you can get rid of electronic devices and have time with your family enjoying a whole day quality moment.
InnSpired Heritage Summer Experience Camp Reservation
Address: 158-160, Po Lam Road South, Tseung Kwan O
Follow: TKO Heritage Post Facebook / IG
Telephone: 6250 5030
Email: innspiredheritage@hohcs.org.hk
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