BUZZ apologises for the delay in announcing the subject for the November Photo Competition – FOOD and DRINK. Sai Kung is famed for its F&B outlets but we are looking for something a bit different for this month’s contest – think sideways………
There will be no prizes this month other than the honour of having your photo chosen by an independent professional who will only see the photos and not the identities of the photographers. Timon Wehrli, a long time Sai Kung resident and proprietor of Redog Studios has kindly agreed to fill this judicial role.
Photos must be the sole work of the photographer and not nicked off the internet! Photos submitted by professional photographers must be identified as such.
Buzz will publish Gold, Silver and Bronze winners plus a single Professional Photographer winner if relevant.
Entries must be submitted by email guyshirra@gmail.com and copied to mail@hongkongbuzz.hk not later than close of play on Tuesday 28 November and contain the full name, address and mobile number of the photographer.
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