BUZZ has written a couple of times* about Dolly Perona Francisco and her organisation D’Oli Charity who collect unwanted toys and clothing to send to orphanages and schools in the Philippines. Although not an official charity she has been sending boxes to the Philippines for years to help families – even chess sets, the latest appeal.

Over the years many citizens of Sai Kung have donated clothes, food, kitchen utensils and toys but Dolly feels a bit embarrassed to ask they also donate HK$100 or even HK$50 to getting the box there.

A box costs HK$1050 to send door-to-door but any financial donation is very welcome. As Linda Jackson of Divas do Good says: “Whenever we can, we love to help and support Dolly. With the help of our kind community in HK, donated items are collected and sent to different communities in the Philippines.

Dolly has 15 boxes and seven are ready to go and if people can help fund they will be in time for Christmas and so lets make Dolly’s New Year as she has done all the hard work of collecting and packing and so please help to get to final destination by helping towards the cost of one box and if 10 friends come together its HK$100 each and do it as a Christmas gift coming together for a good cause. The boxes often go to the most rural places where vehicles often don’t go that cows do all the hard work of carrying the boxes”.
* Our previous stories about Dolly and her boxes:
October 2018
February 2019
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