Bethune House, the migrant workers’ shelter, has launched an emergency appeal as expected grants fall through, Executive Director Edwina Antonio said. The shelter needs $1 million quickly.
Since 1986 Bethune House has provided support for distressed domestic helpers, averaging 600 a year. A small minority of helpers in Hong Kong are discriminated against, under-paid, overworked or suffering physical and psychological, even sexual abuse. These are the poor people Bethune House takes in. “We believe they deserve respect, dignity and fair treatment.” The charity provides food, medical and legal assistance to the women (less than two per cent of helpers in Hong Kong are men).

The shelter is “now compromised”, Edwina said. It has funds to keep operating for only two months. Located in Jordan, it can house 35 women. Bethune House is part of the Mission for Migrant Workers, an offshoot of St John’s Cathedral. It has a diverse board of lawyers, priests and social workers, headed by the lawyer Melville Boase.

If you want to help you can contact the charity at 9338 0035 or shelter@bethunehouse.org.hk Alternatively, if you know a helper in distress take her to Christian Action, the other major migrant workers’ support charity.
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