Big brother is watching…..

It’s marvellous to see the effect that a couple of video cameras can have on people’s behaviour, as BUZZ reported last week. We wonder whether FEHD can take a leaf out of the traffic cops book and put up dummy cameras at random?
It’s certainly an idea whose time has come in the villages. BUZZ reported just a couple of months ago about the new electrical/electronic waste disposal scheme. It does not seem to have sunk home yet in many peoples’ mindset. Take a look at the photo on the left below taken from a Scene and Heard story from early September showing how the scheme was not working. And on the right, the same site earlier this week. Something needs to be done!
Clearly the tiny posters stuck to the bins in this area aren’t having an impact. On the other hand, the signs at the Sai Kung dump are enormous and, along with the cameras, having a major effect. However, what would be worse? Dumped rubbish or intrusive signage, especially in the country park.

Gobee not so gone
And talking of rubbish, most of the Gobee bikes that were littering up the place after the company went bust seem to have been collected. But not all…clearly some are just not worth the effort…
Eight maids a milking – or waiting for the bus?
Quite a discussion on a local Facebook page over the past few days. Is it right to let your helper reserve a place in a long bus queue?
It all started off with one contributor writing:
101 minibus Sai Kung bus terminus – ”queue jumping”. 30 minute waits to get on a bus since occupation of the new developments is now compounded by a new strategy. Helpers are sent at the crack of dawn to lurk at the front of the queue, so that their lazy and disorganised employers with their kids can pitch up and claim entitlement to getting on a bus in front of everyone else who has waited.
This is the pattern:
helper joins the queue
helper gets to the front of the queue
helper does not get on a bus
other helpers join
families arrive 20 minutes later
families try to claim they are entitled to get on the bus because their helper has been waiting
the alleged bus ”çoordinator” or ”bus man” turns a blind eye while mums and kids try to get on.
And most respondents agreed it was not correct, but what to do about it? What do BUZZ readers think?
Bye bye PCCW – good riddance
If you’ve noticed green plastic pipes popping up all over town then you’re looking at the first major attempt to break the PCCW monopoly on broadband provision. Village Telephone Limited have been granted a licence to bring high speed fibre broadband to the outlying areas of the New Territories – that’s 100 Mbps not the 6 Mbps that PCCW seems limited to in many villages. Many applications have been made to the Town Planning Board to dig up village streets so that ducts can be laid for the new cables.
How long it will take for remote areas like Hoi Ha to be connected is open to speculation, but we are sure that anyone held hostage by PCCW will be giving at least one cheer at this time.
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