On the afternoon of Tuesday 8 August, a Sai Kung Fire Services Rescue crew turned out to rescue a dog trapped in a culvert on the Pak Kong catchment.
The call for assistance was made by dog walker Guy “Gunpowder Plod” who heard the dog barking inside the covered section of the culvert. Being too decrepit and ancient himself to investigate, he called 999 and explained the situation to a very efficient FSD Control.
The five man rescue team arrived very quickly and agreed that the barking sounded very much like a dog and set about their work. They sent the youngest two firemen into both ends of the culvert (the corporal said he was worried about ghosts) but initially found only bats.

A police van showed up followed by a second followed shortly afterwards by an SPCA man in a van. By this time, the possibility of the barking being a frog was read but the rescue continued until it was confirmed; not one frog but three, all having a damn good chuckle.
The FSD sergeant and his crew also had a good chuckle and thanked Mr. Plod for initiating a useful subterranean training exercise, especially for the two youngest firemen, only a few months out of training school.
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