Abuse of domestic helpers is rife, St John’s Cathedral charity says; laws must be changed


Photo: Mike Clarke/AFP/Getty Images

One in 25 domestic helpers who complain to the Mission for Migrant Workers say they have been physically or sexually assaulted, harassed or tortured. (BUZZ has interviewed the local police chief three times and was each time  told no such cases had been reported in the district.)

  • Seven in ten workers say they are required to work unreasonably long hours, many more than 10 hours a day, or are denied rest days and statutory holidays.
  • One out of three does not have a separate room to rest. Some are required to sleep in a drawer or toilet.
  • One in  five is a victim of fraud.
  • One in 10 is told to clean windows at high floors dangerously.

MMFW, a part of St John’s Cathedral, lobbies the Government to change the laws which can lead to discrimination and violence. Helpers should be able to live in accommodation separate from their place of work. Contract terms should be more lenient so maids can change jobs without penalty. Current law can have the effect of forcing a helper to stay with an abusive employer. Many have children back home and they feel trapped by their responsibilities. A small percentage resort to prostitution on their days off to make extra money to send home; HK law forbids them to have a second job, so if they are desperate because of financial pressures they have no choice but to sell their bodies. A decent caring society would change the laws.

The above are the latest annual figures provided by the charity (2023). It helped 34,390 migrants during the year. Individual assistance was provided to 3210 women — they are almost all women — shelter, often in the charity’s Bethune House, was given to 694 distressed workers, 21,532 were provided with outreach services and 6142 were looked after hand in hand by MMFW’s caring staff.

Many helpers are defrauded by employers or by agents. The charity recovered for them $9,350,652. Of the distressed, abused or defrauded women 97% were Filipinas, 2% Indonesian and 1% other Asians. 49.9% were married.

The St John’s Cathedral charity provides shelter, information and guidance, and training in life and work skills, plus legal aid and support when dealing with government  departments.

If you know of a helper who is distressed refer her to MFMW. Email mission@migrants.net    Tel. 2522 8264  Address MFMW, St John’s Cathedral, 4 Garden Rd, Central.

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