The site masterplan
A three-storey wellness retreat with ten-room guest house has been proposed for the fringes of Ho Chung village. The proposal, submitted to the Town Planning Board on 6 September, also proposes five car park spaces. The development would be on a site currently zoned as ‘Recreation”. The hotel/guest house would mean a change to the current developments allowed in a REC zone.

The site location
Fine Rolling Limited, China Progress Limited and Cheung Mei Chun, the sole registered “current land owners” of the lot are now seeking town planning permission for a proposed “Hotel” (Guesthouse) ancillary to a permitted recreation centre.

The site layout plan
The Approved Ho Chung Outline Zoning Plan has the site zoned as “Recreation” (“REC”). According to the submission, “Amidst this beautiful recreation outlet at the rural fringe in Sai Kung supported by a wealth of natural and ecological attractions, this proposal intends to develop the vacant Application Site into a recreation centre mainly providing for passive recreational uses, including recreational open area, semi-outdoor recreational area and indoor recreational facilities including a multi-purpose activity room for meditations and yoga, a fitness room, a table tennis room and other ancillary facilities”.

The buildings cross-sections
In support of the recreation centre proposal the applicants are requesting that a “Hotel” (Guesthouse) is
included to provide overnight accommodations. Under the OZP, “Hotel” is a Column 2 use which requires planning permission from the Town Planning Board. The Hotel/Guest House would be a two-storey structure with ten bedrooms. The whole development would also have five car park spaces.
Full details of the application can be found at https://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/tc/plan_application/Attachment/20210914/s16_A_SK-HC_332_0_gist.pdf. The final date for making comments on application is 5 October 2021.
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