Hong Kong BUZZ photo competition – September Winners

Timon Wehrli of RedDog Studios has adjudged Septembers winners as follows:

Gold – Sai Sha Sunrise by Anonymous

“Good composition and use of pier in the foreground leading us into the image;
texture and exposure are good.”

Silver – Sunrise over Tai Mong Tsai from Po Lo Che by Anonymous

“Good sunrise captured, low res and on a digital zoom, would be good to see this shot on a better resolution.”

Bronze – Dawn yoga and Sai Sha Beach litter collecting practitioner by Anonymous

“Good use of characters and foreground.”

Thanks to other entrants including Anonymous and Karen Ball.

Announcing the competition for October 2023:

This month’s competition will be sponsored By Singaling’s and The Square; a free bottle of wine to go with your next paid meal. The theme for October 2023 is “Sai Kung, My Home”

Timon Wehrli, long time Sai Kung resident and proprietor of RedDog Studios, will continue his judicial role. Photos must be the sole work of the photographer and not nicked off the internet! Photos submitted by professional photographers must be identified as such.

Initially, monthly themes selected by Hong Kong Buzz will be Sai Kung related and entries restricted to one per individual and Buzz will publish Gold, Silver and Bronze winners plus a single Professional Photographer winner if relevant.

Entries must be submitted by email to guyshirra@gmail.com and copied to mail@hongkongbuzz.hk not later than close of play on Monday 30 October and contain the full name, address and mobile number of the photographer together with a brief description of the photograph.

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