A Senior Inspector of Police (SIP) was charged by the ICAC yesterday (16/12) with an offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (POBO) for allegedly accepting an unauthorised loan of $10,000 from a subordinate Police Constable (PC), and deceiving another SIP into lending him $130,000 on the pretext that a bank had called his mortgage loan.
Tang Chun-ho, 44, then Assistant Divisional Commander (Operations) of Sai Kung Division, faces one count of prescribed officer accepting an advantage, contrary to section 3 of the POBO; and one count of fraud, contrary to section 16A of the Theft Ordinance. The defendant was released on ICAC bail, pending his appearance at the Kwun Tong Magistrates’ Courts on 18December for plea.
The ICAC investigation arose from a corruption complaint referred by the Police. Enquiries revealed that the defendant had used different pretexts to borrow money from other Police Officers.
One of the charges alleges that in January 2024, the defendant solicited and accepted a loan of $10,000 from a subordinate PC without the general or special permission of the Chief Executive.
The other charge alleges that in November 2023, the defendant falsely represented to an SIP in another Division that a bank had called his mortgage loan, and with intent to defraud, induced the SIP to lend him two loans totalling $130,000.
ICAC enquiries revealed that the bank had never demanded the defendant to make any immediate repayment of mortgage loan. The defendant had only made a repayment of $50,000 to the SIP, and he had never repaid the PC concerned.
The Police rendered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation into the case.
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