The Highways Department has applied for funding from the Legislative Council for the second phase of the Hiram’s Highway project widening. It estimates that the initial cost of the second phase is about HK$3.21 billion for a section with a total length of about 3.5 kilometres. This compared with the cost of HK$1.7 billio to build 6.1 kilometres in the first phase, almost 4x the cost on a km:km basis. Additionally, they plan to cut down approximately 2,270 trees within the project area, of which approximately 100 will be preserved.
The Transport and Logistics Bureau submitted a document to the Transport Panel of the Legislative Council seeking support for applying to the Finance Committee for funding for the construction of the second phase of the Hiram’s Highway (Dualling of Hiram’s Highway from Marina Cove to Sai Kung Town), focusing on the expansion of two sections. Hiram’s Highway will be changed from the current two-lane non-divided carriageway to a two-lane two-lane separated carriageway. It is estimated that the relevant works will be substantially completed in about eight years.
According to the the document, there are about 2,270 trees within the scope of the project, of which only about 100 will be preserved. In order to make room for the road widening works, the proposed project plans to replant about 25 trees (eight of which are trees of special value) to other locations within the project area. The remaining 2,145 trees were surveyed and found to be unsuitable for transplantation and had to be felled (12 of which were trees of special value, including 10 Aquilaria sinensis (agarwood) and two Ormosia pachycarpa (Hairy-fruited Ormosia).
Local Sai Kung District Council Member Christine Fung, quoted in Chinese language media, believes that with the cost of the second phase is almost double that of the first phase the construction period of eight years is too long. She hopes that the Highways Department and the consulting company can do a good job of managing the project, especially drawing on the experience of the first phase of the highway, and handling and reducing the level of road surface fluctuations, prevent flooding of the downstream drainage, strengthen liaison with the district and listen to the opinions of local residents and users.
Previous BUZZ reports on this development can be found at :
The full document, in English, is available here.
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